New California laws taking effect in 2024 impact speed cameras, hotel reservations and more

1 year ago 58

SAN FRANCISCO -- The caller twelvemonth is bringing a big of caller rights and privileges to California residents that interaction however they live, enactment and entertain themselves. Here's a database of caller laws taking effect connected Jan. 1, 2024 and beyond.


California's minimum wage volition summation to $16 an hr connected January 1, 2024. The summation is triggered by a 2016 instrumentality that tied minimum wage increases to inflation.

AB 1228: Increases the minimum wage for accelerated nutrient workers to $20 an hr starting successful April. It besides establishes a fast-food assembly that volition run for 5 years and find aboriginal wage increases and moving conditions.

SB 525: Raises the minimum wage of wellness attraction workers to $23 an hr by June of 2024. The instrumentality applies to nursing assistants, aesculapian technicians and janitorial workers. The minimum wage would summation by $1 each of the adjacent 2 years until the basal wage reaches $25 an hour.

SB 616: Increases sick clip benefits for each afloat and part-time California workers from 3 days to a minimum of 5 paid sick days a year. Both hourly and salaried employees qualify.

SB 848: Requires employers to supply 5 days of permission to an worker who suffers a reproductive nonaccomplishment specified arsenic a failed adoption, miscarriage, stillbirth, unsuccessful embryo transportation oregon artificial insemination.

AB 783: Requires businesses to enactment signage connected single-user restrooms that indicates the toilet installation is disposable to each genders.

AB 1136: Sets up a status money for mixed-martial arts fighters successful California. Any MMA fighters who person fought successful astatine slightest 39 rounds successful the authorities volition beryllium eligible for status benefits starting astatine the property of 50.

AB 1740: Requires kid attraction facilities and different businesses providing pediatric attraction to station accusation astir quality trafficking and slavery. The accusation indispensable see resources disposable to radical forced into work.

AB 2188: Makes it amerciable for an leader to discriminate oregon penalize an worker based connected the person's usage of cannabis disconnected the occupation and distant from the workplace. A akin law, SB 700, makes it amerciable for an leader to inquire a occupation applicant if they've utilized cannabis.

SB 497: Prohibits employers from retaliating against workers who kick astir their wages, sermon wages with colleagues oregon inquire astir different worker's wages.

SB 699: Expands the prohibition of non-compete contracts successful California by making them unenforceable by the employer. This applies adjacent for agreements signed successful different state. A akin law, AB 1076, requires employers to notify employees hired aft January 1, 2022 that their non-compete clauses are void.


AB 12: No much redeeming up 2 month's rent for a information deposit erstwhile moving into an apartment. This caller instrumentality limits the magnitude landlords tin complaint for a information deposit to conscionable 1 month.

AB 1418: Prohibits cities and counties from adopting nuisance ordinances that necessitate oregon promote penalties oregon adjacent an eviction if a tenant oregon a household subordinate had an enactment with instrumentality enforcement oregon a transgression conviction.

SB 4: Removes regulatory barriers to let churches, spiritual organizations and non-profit colleges to physique affordable lodging connected their land.

SB 407: Directs the California Department of Social Services to modify its foster parents' vetting process to guarantee that LGBTQ+ younker are placed successful supportive and gender-affirming homes.

SB 567: Modifies the state's "no responsibility conscionable cause" eviction to marque it harder for a landlord to dislodge a tenant. Starting April 1, the instrumentality volition necessitate that if a tenant is evicted for an proprietor move-in, the spot owners oregon their household members indispensable determination into a spot wrong 90 days and unrecorded determination for astatine slightest 12 months.

SB 712: Allows tenants to store electrical scooters and bicycles successful their apartment, arsenic agelong arsenic the artillery meets definite information standards. If a artillery does not conscionable information standards, past the tenant whitethorn person to acquisition liability security oregon whitethorn beryllium prohibited from charging the mobility instrumentality indoors.


AB 413: Aims to marque crosswalks safer by prohibiting stopping oregon parking a conveyance wrong 20 feet of a vehicle's attack to a marked oregon unmarked crosswalk, oregon 15 feet from a curb extension. Drivers volition lone get warnings for now, but citations tin beryllium issued starting successful 2025.

AB 436: Prohibits cities and counties from adopting laws that prohibition cruising connected metropolis streets oregon the driving of vehicles that person been modified to beryllium a definite height.

AB 645: Allows six cities - Glendale, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Oakland, San Francisco and San Jose - to instal velocity cameras. The instrumentality requires cities to enactment up signage informing drivers they could get a summons if they don't dilatory down earlier approaching the velocity camera.

AB 1909: This instrumentality has been successful effect for a year, but starting connected January 1, 2024, a proviso takes effect that allows bicyclists to transverse a thoroughfare erstwhile a pedestrian awesome is activated alternatively of waiting for a greenish light.


AB 416: Allows the merchantability of Japanese shochu successful bars and restaurants that are allowed to merchantability brew and wine. The tone indispensable not transcend 24% of intoxicant by volume.

AB 899: Requires babe nutrient manufacturers to trial its products erstwhile a period for arsenic, cadmium, pb and mercury. Test results volition person to beryllium posted connected the manufacturer's website opening successful 2025.

AB 1200: This instrumentality is portion of the California Safer Food Packaging Cookware Act approved successful 2021. Beginning successful 2024, it requires cookware manufacturers to disclose if their non-stick products incorporate definite hazardous chemicals, specified arsenic PTFEs, FEPs and PFAs. It besides prohibits misleading advertizing connected cookware packaging.


SB 244: Makes it easier, and apt cheaper, to repair televisions, cellphones and different electronics and location appliances. The instrumentality requires manufacturers to supply consumers and repair shops with the parts, tools and documentation needed to work oregon repair the device. The Right to Repair Act takes effect successful July.

SB 644: Cancelling a edifice oregon Airbnb preservation volition beryllium a batch easier if the spot you are staying astatine is successful California. The caller instrumentality allows consumers to cancel, without penalty, a edifice oregon short-term rental preservation wrong 24 hours aft the preservation is confirmed. The preservation indispensable beryllium made astatine slightest 72 hours earlier check-in.

SB 478: Prohibits those hidden fees that don't amusement up until you are astir to finalize a acquisition online. Starting July 1, 2024, the instrumentality requires websites and apps to show the existent outgo of an point oregon service, specified arsenic lodging, tickets for unrecorded events and nutrient transportation fees.


Proposition 24: Originally approved successful 2020, the California Consumer Privacy Act volition yet instrumentality effect successful March of 2024. It establishes standards for the collection, retention and usage of idiosyncratic information and allows consumers to forestall businesses from selling oregon sharing consumer's delicate data.

AB 587: Approved successful 2022, the instrumentality requires societal media companies to disclose their policies connected however they grip hatred code and misinformation. Beginning successful January 2024, societal media companies indispensable supply regular reports to the authorities connected however they responded to violations of the presumption of work and immoderate enforcement enactment that was taken. In September, Elon Musk's X Corp sued the authorities claiming the instrumentality violates the U.S. Constitution.

SB 60: Allows the nationalist to question a tribunal bid against a societal media institution requiring them to region contented that offers to sell, supply oregon springiness distant a controlled substance successful usurpation of authorities law.

SB 362: The California Delete Act volition springiness consumers much power implicit their idiosyncratic data. Beginning successful January, the instrumentality requires that information brokers registry with the California Privacy Protection Agency (CPPA). By 2026, the CPPA volition found a mechanics that consumers tin usage to nonstop each information brokers to delete their idiosyncratic information.


SB 76: Allows cities to make impermanent Entertainment Zones that let existing restaurants and bars to merchantability intoxicant if they are located wrong the boundaries of a city-permitted thoroughfare festival.

AB 618: Increases the fiscal penalties connected radical who don't amusement up to a reserved campground astatine a authorities parkland oregon beach. Cancellations made wrong 2 to six days of the preservation volition outgo 1 day's lodging. Those who cancel wrong 24 hours oregon don't amusement up for their enactment volition forfeit the full outgo of the reservation.


AB 607: Requires California Community Colleges and California State Universities to show the estimated outgo of people materials and fees for their classes. Compliance by the University of California campuses is voluntary. The instrumentality takes effect successful clip for the 2024-2025 schoolhouse year.

AB 1138: Requires that California colleges and universities supply escaped and anonymous proscription to and from intersexual battle attraction centers that connection intersexual battle forensic exams. Services whitethorn see aesculapian care, exigency contraception and the postulation of DNA grounds that whitethorn beryllium utilized to prosecute rape cases.

AB 2282: Increases the penalties for radical who usage hatred symbols specified arsenic swastikas, nooses oregon desecrated crosses. It besides bans these symbols successful schools, cemeteries, places of worship, workplaces, backstage property, nationalist spaces and facilities.

SB 808: Requires the California State University strategy to taxable a study connected the investigations and outcomes of intersexual harassment complaints. The study indispensable see however galore complaints resulted successful investigations and however agelong it took for the probe to conclude. The reports are owed by December 1 of each year.


AB 1539: Makes it a misdemeanor to ballot successful an predetermination successful California and successful an predetermination successful different authorities if they are held connected the aforesaid date.

AB 421: Aims to clarify the connection utilized successful ballot measures that suggest to alteration existing law. These ballot measures would beryllium required to usage precise connection similar "keep the law" oregon "overturn the law" to intelligibly explicate the intention. The instrumentality besides requires that a ballot measure's apical funders beryllium listed.


AB 1412: Adds borderline property upset to the database of intelligence wellness conditions eligible for pretrial diversion. People with bipolar disorder, schizophrenia oregon post-traumatic accent upset person already been capable to debar jailhouse and alternatively person intelligence wellness attraction if they were charged with a non-violent offense.

SB 43: Expands the explanation of who tin beryllium enactment connected an involuntary intelligence wellness hold. Currently, radical who are mentally incompetent oregon incapable to supply their ain food, covering oregon structure tin beryllium forced into treatment. The caller instrumentality present includes radical who endure from cause oregon intoxicant addiction, oregon incapable to supply for their idiosyncratic safety.

SB 345: Provides ineligible protections to doctors and wellness attraction practitioners who are based successful California and message termination pills oregon gender-affirming attraction to patients successful different states. The instrumentality forbids authorities from cooperating with out-of-state investigations and bans bounty hunters from apprehending doctors oregon pharmacists successful California to basal proceedings successful different state.

SB 385: Allows physician's assistants successful California to execute surgical abortions without the nonstop supervision of a physician.


AB 360: Prohibits coroners, aesculapian examiners and physicians from listing "excited delirium" arsenic a origin of death. Criminal justness betterment activists accidental the word has been utilized by instrumentality enforcement to warrant the decease of a idiosyncratic portion successful constabulary custody. Law enforcement officers are besides banned from utilizing the word to picture someone's behavior.

AB 452: Eliminates the clip limits puerility victims of intersexual maltreatment person to retrieve civilian damages for assaults that hap connected oregon aft January 1, 2024. Sexual maltreatment cases that occurred earlier this day are inactive taxable to clip limits that prohibit filing a assertion aft the victim's 40th day oregon wrong 5 years of becoming alert of the assault.

SB 14: Increases situation sentencing for those convicted of trafficking a insignificant for the intent of prostitution. It besides imposes harsher penalties and sentencing enhancements for those convicted of enactment trafficking.

SB 673: Creates the Ebony Alert, an exigency alert strategy to assistance find missing Black women and younker betwixt the ages of 12 and 25 years.


AB 28: Imposes an 11% taxation connected the merchantability of firearms and ammunition. The wealth generated would money weapon unit prevention and schoolhouse information programs. The instrumentality takes effect July 1, 2024.

SB 2: Strengthens California's concealed transportation weapons instrumentality by limiting the possession of firearms successful definite nationalist places. It besides requires stronger firearms information grooming and sets a minimum property of 21 to get a concealed transportation permit.


SB 831: Authorizes the politician to participate into negotiations with the U.S. Attorney General's Office to make a programme that would assistance migration parole to undocumented cultivation workers. The programme would assistance undocumented workers enactment visas and support them from deportation. It does not supply a pathway to ineligible residence.


AB 261: California whitethorn person a authorities vertebrate (quail) and a authorities angiosperm (poppy), present it volition besides person an authoritative authorities mushroom. The California Golden Chanterelle is simply a fungus autochthonal to California that grows adjacent unrecorded oak trees.

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