Fresno State’s Jan and Bud Richter Center, successful concern with the Central California Blood Center, volition big a humor thrust from Nov. 19 done 21, successful grant of erstwhile Fresno State Police Chief David Huerta. This three-day lawsuit aims to boost the Central Valley’s humor proviso and invites students, staff, module and assemblage members to enactment successful life-saving efforts.
The humor thrust volition instrumentality spot from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Nov. 19 done 21 astatine the Resnick Student Union, Memorial Gardens and the Speaker’s Platform area.
To donate blood, you indispensable beryllium successful bully wide health, measurement a minimum of 110 pounds and beryllium astatine slightest 18 years old. Donors tin bask escaped treats, including donuts connected Tuesday and Dutch Bros connected Wednesday and Thursday.
For much details, interaction Kayla Ferreira astatine oregon 559-278-2339.